Common App

Cómo Aplicar a la Universidad: La Guía Completa

Cómo Aplicar a la Universidad: La Guía Completa

En esta guía, aprende a cómo aplicar a universidades, desde seleccionar colegios, tomar los exámenes estandarizados, escribir ensayos, hasta el paso final de enviar las aplicaciones.

Cómo Escribir una Lista de Actividades Extracurriculares Exitosa

Cómo Escribir una Lista de Actividades  Extracurriculares Exitosa

Aprende cómo escribir una lista de actividades extracurriculares para Common App usando esta guía paso-a-paso y encuentra profunda inspiración en la descripción de los ejemplos de las listas de actividades. 

Cómo Escribir Un Ensayo de Presentación (Consejos + Ejemplos)

Cómo Escribir Un Ensayo de Presentación (Consejos + Ejemplos)

Esta guía completa cubre todo lo que necesitarás para hacer una lluvia de ideas, organizar y escribir un ensayo de presentación sobresaliente para las solicitudes universitarias.

Common App Personal Statement vs. UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs)

Common App Personal Statement vs. UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs)

Applying to colleges via the Common Application and the University of California application? Wondering if you can just copy and paste your responses from one app to another, and be done with it? The short answer: We wouldn’t recommend it.

How to Write a Personal Statement (Tips + Essay Examples)

This ultimate guide covers everything you’ll need to brainstorm, outline, and write an outstanding personal statement for college applications.

How to End a College Essay: 10 Tactics & Strategies

How to End a College Essay: 10 Tactics & Strategies

Because a strong ending can help a college application essay stand out, this guide offers 10 approaches students can use to build better endings.

How to Answer the Common App COVID-19 Question: Essential Tips + Examples

This year, the Common Application announced it is adding an optional 250-word question in the Additional Information section of its application.

How to Write a Successful Common App Activities List

How to Write a Successful Common App Activities List

Write an impressive college activities list for your common app using this step-by-step guide and awesome activities list for college applications example, with notes on how to select the right verbs and to decide how many hours per week to list. 

Common App Essay Formatting & Style Guide + Common Grammar Mistakes

This guide will help take some of the guesswork out of punctuation, style, grammar, and even the Common App essay formatting. We’ll also share common college essay grammar mistakes and show you how to fix them.

The 2025-2026 Common App Prompts (and 7 Example Essays & Analysis)

Learn how to navigate which common app essay prompt to use for writing your personal statement when applying to college. Which common app prompt is best? How do you choose? Learn more here.