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"Hands down the BEST essay writing book on the market."
-Amazon reader  

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“A very helpful guide for all of those completing college applications, I couldn't recommend this book enough. It's entertaining, informative, and it includes detailed instructions and exercises to help you brainstorm your perfect essay topics as well as great examples of completed essays. It truly is a great resource to have in your writing arsenal.”

- Brenda Zhao (Amazon Customer)

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“For every student out there who says they're not are great writer, doesn't know where to start, or doesn't have amazing things to write about (perhaps even a combination of the three), this is the book for you. And even if you're not one of those people but are writing your college application essays, this is still the book for you. Ethan's guide demystifies the "mystery" of the college essay. It helps readers discover who they are and find fresh, unique ways to write about it in their personal statement. The true gems of the book are the beautiful essays Ethan encloses and the commentary he includes to show what makes them so memorable. The analysis has made me look at writing my essays in a completely different way; rather than writing for the sake of writing, I write with an intent and a purpose, communicating essential values and qualities about me within each paragraph. I write in a way that garners the reader's attention - one that makes them stop and think and ponder and perhaps even reflect upon themselves. In essence, this book has transformed writing college essays from a grueling and daunting activity to a rewarding art and a craft.”

- Curt H. (Amazon Customer)

Let the College Essay Guy help you write your college admission essay.

Packed with brainstorming activities, personal statement samples and more, this book provides a clear roadmap to writing your best admission essay.

Writing a college admission essay doesn't have to be stressful. I will show you that there are only four (really, four!) types of college admission essays. And all you have to do to figure out which type is best for you is answer two simple questions:

1. Have you experienced significant challenges in your life?
2. Do you know what you want to be or do in the future?

With these questions providing the building blocks for your essay, I’ll guide you through the rest of the process, from choosing a structure to revising your essay, and answers the big questions that have probably been keeping you up at night: “How do I brag in a way that doesn't sound like bragging?” and “How do I make my essay, like, deep?”

College Essay Essentials will help you with:

  1. The best brainstorming exercises

  2. Choosing an essay structure

  3. The all-important editing and revisions

  4. Exercises & tools to help you get started or get unstuck

  5. College admission essay examples

Packed with tips, tricks, exercises, and sample essays from real students who got into their dream schools, College Essay Essentials is the only college essay guide to make this complicated process logical, simple, and (dare I say it?) a little bit fun. The perfect companion to The Fiske Guide To Colleges 2020/2021. For high school counselors and college admission coaches, this is an essential book to help walk your students through writing a stellar, authentic college essay.

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”It gives you activities to help students brainstorm for their essays and clear writing strategies to help students. He takes a complicated process and makes it simple. Thank you Ethan!”

- Sarah M. (College counselor)

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“Even as an experienced college admissions consultant who already felt capable in guiding students through the essay-writing process, I learned a lot and discovered many tools I can use. Ethan's coverage of the "montage structure" is especially helpful. For a student who is willing to really put in some time and work, it would be hard to beat this book.”

- Big Tex (Amazon Customer)

Here are some questions I answer in this book:

How do I figure out what to write about?

How do I structure my essay?

Is there a step-by-step process for writing the essay?

Are any topics off-limits?

How much sharing is too much?

How do I revise my essay?

How do I make my essay not-boring?

Any tips for how to start the essay?

How do I demonstrate my intelligence?

How do I brag in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m bragging?

How to do I make my essay, like, deep?

How do I end my essay?

How do I write a great last line?

How do I make my essay amazing?

How do I know if my essay is good?

What do I do if my essay is just “okay”?

Should I share my essay? With how many people? When? 




IT’S THE REASON WE GOT ACCEPTED SINCE OUR TEST SCORES WEREN’T THE BEST. |  ★★★★★ - “I'm writing to you to thank you, specifically for your book, College Essay Essentials. My twin brother and I were just accepted to Dartmouth College Class of 2022 and it wouldn't have been possible without your help. Your book revolutionized the way we both wrote and I think it's the reason we got accepted since our test scores weren't the best. Additionally, your words struck a chord within me and I want to be someone like you, who makes the essay writing portion fun and adventurous just like you did for me. I'm certain you get many emails like this and I just wanted to let you know that you changed our lives for the better.” – Anonymous Emailer


this is the BEST |  ★★★★★

"I purchased 3 different college essay books and by far, this is the BEST and really provides a step by step approach for students to come up with ideas to write a college essay based on two questions - if you have faced challenges or not and if you know what you want to do for career or not. Most other books focus on the basics or what not to write and to write from your heart and make it personal - this goes in a lot more details than any other book I've come across. Definitely a great book to have as reference. "

-Mom of Two, Amazon Customer

Ethan Sawyer is the College Essay Guy  |  ★★★★★

“That kind of says it all. While he may have named himself that, he has earned the title. His passion for writing essays that is conveyed in this book, will help any student get through the somewhat stressful and daunting process with fun and ease. As a college counselor, I have used some of Ethan’s methods to help my own clients write their essays. The great thing about this book is that it brings the College Essay Guy and his methods, brainstorming exercises, structures and ideas to everyone. Ethan is inspirational and College Essay Essentials is a must have for any student (or counselor) who is looking to be inspired to write a successful college admissions essay.”

– gonzo14, Amazon Customer



Magic Bullet for College Essays  |  ★★★★★

“College Essay Essentials is a close to a "magic bullet" that students are going to find to help them produce meaningful and powerful college essays. Besides being an easy to follow, step-by-step guide, Ethan Sawyer injects the right amount of humor to make the essay writing process fun and rewarding. Following the advice in the book will not just produce thoughtful writing, but if done right, will allow the students to really get to know themselves on a deeper level. After all, the college process is as much about getting to "know thyself" as it is about getting into and going to college!” 

–C.B. McMeekan

I absolutely love this book  |  ★★★★★

"I read about 10 different books on writing essays for college applications to help prepare my son for his senior year. This book was by FAR the best. I had my son read it (the only one I had him read) and he grudgingly agreed to work through the process that Ethan lays out in the book. The step by step approach was instrumental in helping him figure out how to structure his essay and what sorts of topics might lend themselves to an effective essay. It was brief enough that he could read it, get it, and then utilize it for his essays in short order. If you are just getting started on the application process, you might really appreciate this point. I know we did.

Now that the apps are in, he is hearing back. All acceptances so far (6 schools with 8 still to go) and multiple merit financial aid awards that I attribute, at least in part, to the strength of the essay he managed to write. The process is laid out nicely for me to help him get to his deepest story, an essential piece of the essay that MUST be done in order for the essay to be effective at setting the student apart from others.” 

–JohnP387, Amazon User


An Essential Source for College Essay Writing Advice  |  ★★★★★

“Ethan Sawyer has managed to distill all the wonderful information he provides in his classes and consultations into this highly informative and entertaining book. The only thing missing is the twinkle in his eyes as he connects with his audience! I highly recommend this book to parents, students and college counseling professionals who want to help students write compelling essays as part of the college admissions process. The exercises are engaging, and the step-by-step instructions are designed to create deep and insightful essays. I have tried these tips with my students, and they work extremely well.” 

–Wendie Lubick

If there's one book you need, this is it.  |  ★★★★★

“This is THE BOOK for writing your college essay. It has everything I need, from planning my essay to specific strategies on structure and idea implementation. It's also very easy to read and formatted very neatly, with great annotation space and well-organized chapters. But what I love about this book most is its ability to help me find myself in the process - instead of churning out a formula for writing a solid essay, this book helps you dig deep into the things which are truly important to you with thought-provoking questions and brainstorm strategies. I felt like the author was sitting next to me, probing my brain and asking me questions about my life and the threads that connect the different themes in my life. If you want to write a college essay that is personal, insightful, and truly revealing, this is the book for you.”

–pinendlz, Amazon User



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You may think that getting an acceptance letter from colleges and universities is a mad dash to the top that only the very best students survive, and those who make it are just the lucky ones.

The process can be stressful and it can feel like much is out of your control.

But that’s not entirely true!

You can take control, and you can do it in a way that’s as effective as it is empowering.
It comes down to two quetsions: what matters most to you? and How does it manifest in your life?
Ready? Let's get started.

"A comprehensive guide to navigating college admission with an emphasis on values that are important to you."

-Edward Fiske, bestselling author of the Fiske Guide to Colleges

College Admission Essentials Will help you:


Discover and connect with what you care about (in 20 minutes)


Create a college list with schools you’re excited about and can get into


Make sure your application is doing its job


You’ll also:

  • Figure out which schools will likely make themselves affordable to you

  • Decide whether to apply early or not

  • Make your activities list clear and attention grabbing

  • Make the most of your additional information section

  • Save hours of time on your supplemental essays

  • Brainstorm and structure your personal statement

  • Write a “Why Us?” essay that shows why you’re a great fit for a school

  • Get a great letter of recommendation from people who know and like you

  • Develop a “message box” for your interview

  • Analyze your financial aid award and write an appeal

  • Plus, tips and resources for students who identify as Artists, Athletes, First- Gen, Undocumented, LGBTQ+, Self-Directed, and much more.

Read the first chapter for free.

How to Discover and Connect with What You Care About in Twenty Minutes

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About the Author
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Ethan Sawyer is a nationally recognized college essay expert, sought-after speaker, and author of College Essay Essentials. Each year he helps thousands of students and counselors through his online courses, workshops, articles, products, and books, and works privately with a small number of students.

Raised in Spain, Ecuador, and Colombia, Ethan has studied at seventeen different schools, is a graduate from Northwestern University, and holds an MFA from UC Irvine as well as two counseling certificates. He has worked as a teacher, curriculum writer, voice actor, motivational speaker, community organizer, and truck driver. He is a certified Myers-Briggs® specialist, and his type (ENFJ) will tell you that he will show up on time, that he'll be excited to meet you, and that, more than anything, he is committed to-and an expert in-helping you realize your potential.

"Anyone with ties to the world of admission and writing essays will tell you they are a fan of Ethan. In this book, he clearly, concisely, and professionally gives parents, students, and schools a way to think about the whole college process in ways that will help. By help, I mean not just help students to 'get in,' but help lower the stress for all. A must read."

-Parke Muth, consultant and former assistant dean of admission at University of Virginia
"Ethan has established himself as a credible and knowledgeable resource for students seeking useful and practical tips for their college essays. I'm excited to see that he is expanding his scope by providing this guide to the overall college application process. His ability to help students discover their voice is valuable as they figure out which schools they should apply to and how to best present themselves in their applications."

-Falone Serna, Vice President of Enrollment Management at Whittier College
"Ethan has a natural ability to draw readers in with his poignant writing and thought-provoking insight. This book touches on some of the fundamental questions families have and will serve as an important and enjoyable resources in their college admission experience."

-Rick Clark, Director of Undergraduate Admission at Georgia Tech University, coauthor of The Truth about College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting In and Staying Together
"Ethan is my go-to resource for college essay advice. I'll be giving this book to all my friends with children in high school."

-Mignon Fogarty, author of the New York Times bestseller Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

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