CEG Partners in a variety of ways.
Community-Based Organizations
When we work with community based organizations, we often work as a team with their educational advisors (EAs) so that the students and counselors share the same language. We do this by providing PDs for the EAs to familiarize them with the brainstorming exercises and personal statement writing process. The students attend our virtual college essay workshops and receive instruction from our experienced college essay coaches.
Groups like Jack Kent Cooke, for example, also have our scholars coaches meet with students for one-on-one coaching, and organizations like Educating Students Together have opted for Office Hours in addition to one-on-one guidance.
A few of our current and past CBO partners include:
High Schools
We partner with high schools in a variety of ways ranging from 1-day private workshops (learn more here) to 1-week essay boot camps (learn more here) and sometimes even longer sessions.
At Granada Hills Charter School, for example, we provided a three-week in-person summer course using our CEG curriculum and took almost 200 students through the personal statement process. Students found the summer class to be an introspective opportunity to discover their identities and learn how to write about themselves.
We can provide a group rate for counselors interested in having their parents enroll in our Parent Community to gain access to Informative and interactive weekly sessions, a detailed monthly college counseling calendar, and regular webinars with college admission officers.
We also provide a wide range of professional development sessions for counselors, teachers, and student advocates (learn more here).
To learn more about high school partnerships, or to book a workshop, email our Director of Workshops Hanah Lim: hanah@collegeessayguy.com
Colleges and Universities
We partner with colleges and universities in a variety of ways, from licensing our essay brainstorming materials to professional development workshops and multicultural recruitment. Learn more here.
International Organizations
CEG has also worked with a number of international organizations including EducationUSA to provide summer workshops for students and intensive professional developments for counselors who want to learn more about guiding their students applying to universities in the US.