A Guide to the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio

Creative writing is one of the most rewarding forms of artistic expression. And if you’re a young aspiring writer, the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio is one of the best places to hone your craft, find inspiration, and connect with like-minded peers.

Just browse the program’s student testimonials. You’ll see enthusiastic reviews like “A paradise for writers" and “The Iowa Young Writers’ Studio, indubitably, has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

At the risk of stating the obvious, those are some stellar reviews.

We’d imagine you’re here because you’re possibly hoping to one day leave your own testimonial for the Young Writers’ Studio, and as such you’re likely wondering if you’re eligible to apply, which program option to choose, and how to apply. 

This guide covers all of that and more.

Let’s begin!

What is the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio?

The Iowa Young Writers’ Studio is a prestigious summer writing program for high school students. It offers an immersive experience in the art and craft of writing. Launched in 2002, the program is deeply rooted in the rich literary tradition of the University of Iowa, home to the renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop, which has produced numerous Pulitzer Prize winners, Poet Laureates, and influential authors. 

The Studio provides young writers like you with opportunities to engage in intensive study and practice writing in workshops taught by Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduates (as in, some of the strongest writers in the country). 

You can choose from core courses in 

  • Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Creative writing

  • TV writing, and

  • Playwriting

Throughout the program, you’d participate in daily workshops, one-on-one meetings with instructors, and peer review sessions.

(For a comprehensive guide to extracurricular activities like the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio and how they play into the college application process, check out that link.)

The Iowa Young Writers’ Studio also emphasizes the importance of community. You will live and write alongside peers who share a passion for writing. The supportive network students develop often extends beyond the summer program.

Who’s eligible to apply?

The Iowa Young Writers’ Studio program accepts applications from 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade students during the application year. 

The program also considers applications from exceptionally talented and mature 9th-grade students, as well as international students.

Of course, the most important requirement is a passion for writing and a commitment to developing your craft. You should demonstrate a strong interest in creative writing, whether through school activities, personal projects, or participation in other writing programs.

Iowa Young Writers’ Studio program options

You have two options when applying for the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio program. What’s the difference between them? Let’s take a look.

2-week Summer Residential Program

The 2-week Summer Residential Program is an intensive, immersive writing workshop you can complete in person or online. Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduates teach all of the core courses. 

Whether in person or online, you’ll have mandatory daily assignments, including writing assignments, reading assigned materials, critiquing classmates’ writing, and participating in discussions.

There are also opportunities to attend readings by published authors, social gatherings with other young writers in the program, and events such as open mics and talent shows. 

The exact dates of the 2-week Summer Residential Program will vary from year to year. But to give you an idea, in 2024, the courses will run during two sessions: 1) June 16-29, 2024, and 2) July 14-27, 2024.

6-week Online Courses

The 6-week Online Courses allow you to go at a slower pace, given that the classes are asynchronous, meaning there are no live class sessions. That being said, Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduates still teach all the core courses.

You’ll still have the same mandatory assignments as the 2-week program participants. But you’ll be able to complete the work on your own schedule. 

The exact dates of the 6-week Online Courses will vary from year to year. But again, to give you an idea, in 2024 the courses will run from Sunday, June 16th, through Sunday, July 28th.

How do you apply for Iowa YWS?

Ready to apply for an upcoming Iowa Young Writers’ Studio program? Here’s everything you need to know. 

Summer Residential Program Application Process

The Summer Residential Program application typically opens mid-late January and closes two weeks later. The application period is the same whether you apply for the in-person or online program. 

Your application must include the following: 

  • A writing sample of no more than ten pages. The specific requirements of what should go into your writing sample will depend on the genre you hope to study if admitted to the program. Check the official requirements here.

  • A 1-2 page statement of purpose discussing your reason for wanting to participate in the program and what you hope to achieve there. 

  • One letter of recommendation from an English teacher or other writing instructor or mentor who knows your writing and you as a person.

  • Payment of the $10 reading fee (waivers are available for students who need financial assistance).

The program website states that your admissions decision for this course will be based almost entirely on the strength of your writing sample.

You’ll typically receive an admissions decision by early April. 

If accepted to the in-person program, you must pay the program fee (currently $2,500), register, and enroll in the course by mid-May. 

If accepted to the online program, you must pay the program fee (currently $575), register, and enroll in the course by mid-May.

6-week Online Courses Application Process

The application for the 6-week online courses typically opens at the beginning of March and closes mid-late April. All applicants must currently be enrolled in high school and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Your application must include the following: 

  • A 300-500 word statement of purpose discussing your reason for wanting to participate in the program and what you hope to learn. 

  • A permission form signed by a parent or guardian (for example, see the 2024 form here).

  • A 250-500 word statement of support from a teacher who can discuss why you are a good candidate for the course.

  • A high school transcript 

There is no fee for the 6-week online course application.

You’ll typically receive an admissions decision by early-mid May. 

For these courses, the program looks for students who demonstrate enthusiasm for writing and commitment to engage in the course.

If accepted to the 6-week online program, you must pay the program fee (currently $475), register, and enroll in the course by late May.

Does the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio program offer financial aid?

Yes, financial aid is available for students who meet the program’s need-based requirements. You’ll be able to fill out a financial aid application if you’re admitted to the program. You may receive a grant covering the full or partial cost of tuition.

Iowa Young Writers’ Studio acceptance rate

The program website doesn’t offer official information about the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio acceptance rate. However, the program is prestigious and highly competitive. Most unofficial estimates for the acceptance rate are between 10% and 20%.

Should you apply?

Still not sure if you should apply to the Iowa YWS program? Here are five questions to help you decide. 

1. Do you have a passion for writing?

If you find yourself constantly writing stories, poems, or essays in your free time and can't imagine a future without writing, the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio could be an ideal fit for you. 

2. Are you open to feedback and eager to improve?

The Studio emphasizes workshops, peer reviews, and one-on-one discussions with instructors. If you are excited about receiving constructive criticism and using it to improve your work, you’ll thrive in this environment.

3. Do you enjoy collaborating with other writers?

The sense of community is a core aspect of the Iowa YWS. You’ll live, write, and share your work with fellow young writers. If you value the opportunity to connect with peers who share your passion, this program can offer a supportive and enriching experience.

4. Are you ready for an intensive writing experience?

The program is immersive and demands a high level of dedication and focus. If you’re prepared to devote significant time and energy to your writing over the summer, this intensive environment can help you make substantial progress.

5. Do you want to explore advanced writing techniques and styles?

With courses taught by Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduates, the Studio provides a unique opportunity to learn from experienced writers at the forefront of contemporary literature. If you’re eager to push the boundaries of your writing and explore new genres and techniques, this program can be incredibly beneficial.

Should you apply?

If you answered “yes” to most of those questions, then the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio might be the perfect place for you to grow as a writer!

Final thoughts

Attending the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio can be a great way to spend one or more of your high school summers if you’re an aspiring writer. 

It’s an opportunity to learn from experienced writers and meet peers who also have a passion for writing! Don’t miss the chance to apply if that interests you. And remember that financial aid is available if your family can’t cover the program costs. 

Curious about what else you can do to get the most out of your high school summer break? Check out this in-depth guide next: How to Spend Your High School Summer.


Special thanks to Ameer Drane for writing this blog post

Ameer is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about college admissions and career development. Prior to freelancing, Ameer worked for three years as a college admissions consultant at a Hong Kong-based education center, helping local high school students prepare and apply for top colleges and universities in the US. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from UCLA. When he’s not working, Ameer loves traveling, weight lifting, writing, reading, and learning foreign languages. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Top values: Growth / Diversity / Empathy