A comprehensive live video course for counselors on guiding students through creating an outstanding college application.
Part two of the Counselor Training Program

How the course works:

This live course offers counselors a values-based approach for guiding their students to producing not only a stand-out Common Application, activities list, and additional information section, but also the supplemental essays that most selective schools require.


Each week, you’ll watch pre-recorded video lessons that cover everything I’ve learned from years of guiding students through this process.


You’ll complete a few coaching exercises (AKA homework) in between sessions.


Then, you’ll watch a recorded Q&A session to synthesize and answer questions on what you’ve learned.

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Week 1: Brainstorming
Tuesday, April 8th

Week 2: Outlining & Writing
Tuesday, April 15th

Week 3: Enditing
Tuesday, April 22nd

Week 4: Refining & Upleveling
Tuesday, April 29th

Live sessions for the Foundational Track: 10:00-11:30am PT (1:00-2:30pm ET)

Live sessions for the
Advanced Track: 4:00-5:30pm PT (7:00-8:30pm ET)






Help students discover what matters most, brainstorm essay topics, and get them inspired to write.


Help students outline and write (basically) every required supplemental essay.


Help your students articulate their intellectual interests and the ideas that keep them up at night.


Help your students craft an activities list that shows growth and impact.


Guide your students to painting a complete picture of who they are.


Help your students stay organized and manage essay drafts with a whole suite of resources.




25+ Video Modules & 14+ Sample Essays - LEARN MORE


30+ Video Modules & 30 Sample Essays




You'll develop a big picture strategy,  help students brainstorm essay ideas, analyze applications that worked, and get all the tools for creating a compelling application.



Read great example activities list descriptions and dozens of inspiring example essays that do an awesome job, plus a few awesome sample college applications.


hours of PRerecorded Q&A Sessions

Review the course material, get answers to your questions, connect with your colleagues, and more.



We'll cover the most common supplemental essay topics required by hundreds of colleges, including those quirky essay topics required by the most highly selective colleges.



Help students create an outstanding college application.

Here's what a few people have said:

THANK YOU! You are a wonderful teacher and your love for college essay writing is so apparent. You helped many of us connect with & write our deepest stories and for that I am very grateful. I'm really excited about the new tools I have to help my students write their essays. I loved this course so so much! :)

-Bekkah, High School Counselor

“This course provides much of what it took me 38 years to gain through firsthand experience in the business. Taking it will help anyone looking to hone an important part of their college counseling skills with the goal of truly helping students.”

- Dawn B. Independent Consultant

As a counselor I appreciate how I can replicate (or try really hard to replicate) your sessions because you’ve outlined and scripted it all. We need scripts until we embed practices and make them our own.Ethan, you are so completely thorough; I love that!

-Sunita Takhar, Counselor

For the first time in my eight years of college counseling, I am beginning to get a handle on how to assist my students with the essay writing process. I am extremely grateful to be given tools that I can both relate to and apply with my students. I will listen to Ethan present every time I am given the opportunity — he is that good!!!
— Valerie J, Private School Counselor
Ethan you are so approachable and fun to listen to. You care deeply about your work and the students. You are an inspiration.
— Susan, Counselor
I’ve done a lot of courses, and this was the best so far. The PDFs are great, as are the links. I’m printing all of it and will make a binder for reference.
— Jann Russell, Counselor
Ready to join me?
Course Overview:

Module 1: How to help students Create an Inspired Application in Half the Time

  • Sample Application: How Doing a Thorough Job on the Brainstorming Activities Can Set Up a Great Application

  • A Relatively Quick and Totally Free Way to Figure Out Which Essay Topics Overlap

  • The Overlapping Game (or) How Doubling--or Tripling, or Quadrupling!--Essays for Multiple Prompts Can Yield a “Super Essay”

  • A Sample Super Essay

  • How to Write a Super Essay

Module 2: The Activities & Awards List, Additional Information Section, The "Why Us" Essay

  • 5 Tips for the Activities & Awards List

  • The Difference Between an Outstanding Activities and Awards List and a Really Good One

  • Activities You May Not Have Considered Including—But That Count!

  • “Stretching the Truth” on the Activities List: A Cautionary Tale

  • How to Up-Level the Activities and Awards List in Three Steps

  • What One Should (and Shouldn’t) Include in the Add’l Info Section

  • How an Add’l Info Section Can Make the Difference in the Application

  • The Complete Guide to the "Why us" Essay

  • 3 Great "Why Us" Essays You've Never Read and Why They're Awesome

Module 3: The Extracurricular Essay

  • The Difference Between a Regular and a “Super” Extracurricular Essay

  • Eight Mistakes Students Make on Their Extracurricular Essays

  • A Three-Step Process to Show Students How to Avoid All Those Mistakes

  • Helping Students Write a Narrative Extracurricular Essay

  • Helping Students Write a Montage Extracurricular Essay

  • How to Apply These Approaches to Almost Any Supplemental Essay

  • Helping Students Write a Great "Community" Essay

  • Three Great Sample “Community” Essays

Module 4: The supplemental Essays

  • Helping Students Write the "Why X Major" Essay

  • Helping Students Write the Stanford “Idea or experience that makes you excited about learning” Essay

  • Helping Students Write the Stanford “Roommate” Essay

  • Helping Students Write the Stanford “What's meaningful to you and why?” Essay

  • Helping Students Write the "Create Your Own Class" Essay

  • Four Tips for the Quotation Essay

  • Helping Students Write the "Diversity" Essay

  • Lots more

Module 5: Short Answers & More Supplemental Essays

  • Six Techniques for Helping Students Write the 150-Word Extracurricular Essay

  • Three More 150-Word Extracurricular Essays I Love, and Why

  • The High-Flyer Method: How to Write a Next-Level 150-Word Extracurricular Essay If Your Students Have a Perfect GPA, Test Scores, Ridiculous Extracurriculars and Have Nothing to Prove

  • How to Make the Short Answers Awesome

  • A Stanford-Worthy Set of Short Answers And What Makes Them So Good

  • A Creative Take on the “Where Have You Lived” Essay

  • How to Beautifully Answer the "Diversity" Essay

Module 6: How to Make Sure Your STudent's Application Is Doing Its Job

  • Content is So 🔥 I Can't Even Describe it Here

Bonus Modules: The Rest of the Application

  • 18 Tips for Creating a Great Video

  • How to Create a Great College List

  • How to Get Great Teacher Recommendations

  • How to Guide Students Through the College Interview

  • Demonstrated Interest: A Brief and Practical How-To Guide

  • How to Turn the Common App Activities List into an Awesome Resume

Q&A Sessions: Ask Me Anything You Want

  • Get answers to a wide range of questions from the general to the specific, including

    • What timeline do you use when working with students?

    • Who should be accountable for which parts of the application? Who should be responsible? And what's the difference?

    • My student's "Why Us" essay still isn't quite "there" yet. What would you suggest?

    • What if someone else is giving a student advice that I strongly disagree with? What should I do?

    • Dozens more.

  • Plus, I give feedback on everything from the Activities Lists to several in-progress "Why us" essays.


The COURSE guide Includes:

Plus: 36 Sample Essays and 3 full sample applications

  • (3) Successful Sample Applications

  • (4) Great “Extracurricular” Essays

  • (2) Great Community Service Essays

  • (2) Great “Community” Essays

  • (2) Great “Intellectual Idea” Essays

  • (2) Great “Roommate” Essays

  • (2) Great “What Matters” Essays

  • (2) Great “Quotation” Essays

  • (2) Great “Create Your Own Class” Essays

  • (4) Great U of Chicago Extended Essays

  • (8) Great 150-Word Extracurricular Essays

  • (3) Great Sets of Short Answers

  • (3) Great “How I Spent My Summer” Examples


  • College Essay Guy’s Complete Guide to the “Why us” Essay (20 pages)

  • College Essay Guy’s Epic Activities Verbs List

A Dozen Brainstorming Activities, including:

  • My Favorite Supplemental Essay Brainstorming Exercises

    • Everything I Want Colleges to Know About Me

    • The Feelings and Needs Exercise

    • The Best Extracurricular Brainstorming Exercise

    • The Elon Musk Exercise

    • The “Why us” Research Chart

  • How to Develop a Preliminary College List

  • How to Organize All Your Essay Topics For Free

  • List of Potential “Super” Topics from Past Students

  • How to Write an Awesome Activities List

  • Activities You May Not Have Considered Including—But That Count!

  • How to Write the Additional Info Section

This course is split into two cohorts of counselors.
Which is right for you?

This one’s for you if:

- You’ve never taken one of my courses and aren't too familiar with my other free resources.

- You have 1-5 years experience guiding students on essays.

- You want to learn the fundamentals of how to help students brainstorm, outline, and revise their essays and application.

- You’re more interested in hearing me (Ethan) teach content.

Foundational Track syllabus

This one’s for you if:

- You’ve already taken my personal statement course (maybe even twice).

- You have 6+ years of experience guiding students on essays.

- You already know the CEG approach; you want the latest and greatest information out there on college essays & applications.

- You like a balance of Ethan teaching & connecting with other experienced colleagues.

Advanced Track syllabus


I signed up to take Ethan's course to learn some specific strategies in helping my students write better essays and hopefully, enjoy the process along the way. I learned amazing strategies PLUS so much more! The questions that Ethan asked us, as his students writing essays for our college applications, were invaluable in looking deep within ourselves and putting ourselves "out there" on paper, to speak from our truest selves and share our deepest stories. Ethan has a very special talent in teaching from his heart and it was apparent in every step of his class. I am grateful I had the opportunity to participate!

-Heidi, Counselor

“Whether you're new to college essay coaching or a seasoned professional, everyone can learn something from Ethan's course. As a participant, I gained so much insight into the more subtle aspects of coaching and how to really hear what students are saying -- and, even more important, what they may NOT be saying. The course is definitely worth the time and financial investment.”

- Julia B. Writing Coach

This course gave me a fresh approach for how to structure student sessions. From brainstorming to revising a first draft, the tools and resources made available during this course were invaluable to me! It's exciting to be able to put these new techniques in action in order to help my students write the best personal statements possible. In addition, the opportunity to write my own personal statement was not only wonderfully cathartic, but it helped me connect more to the struggles my students often experience while writing. Thank you so much for a fabulous course!

-Chelsea, Independent Counselor

Meet Your Guide

Ethan Sawyer is a nationally recognized college essay expert and sought-after speaker. Each year he helps thousands of students and counselors through his online courses, workshops, articles, products, and books, and works one-on-one with a small number of students. A graduate of Northwestern University, Ethan holds an MFA from UC Irvine, two counseling certificates, is certified in Myers-Briggs and hypnotherapy. He lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife, Veronica, and their amazing daughter, Zola.

In this online course, I distill the best and most effective resources I have ever found.  I’ll personally walk you through how I guide students from "I feel totally lost" to "Wow. I love these essays."

"Listen to the Essay Guy! He has practical, useful tools for all college bound students to stand out in the crowd"

-Suzanne, Counselor

How to Create a Compelling College Application
+ Supplemental Essays


One Time Payment
  • Foundational or Advanced Tracks
  • 30+ Sample Essays
  • 25+ Video Modules
  • Designed Specifically for Counselors
  • Access to Recorded Q&A Sessions with Ethan

Payment Plan

Three Monthly Payments
  • Foundational or Advanced Tracks
  • 30+ Sample Essays
  • 25+ Video Modules
  • Designed Specifically for Counselors
  • Access to Recorded Q&A Sessions with Ethan
Can't afford the course? We offer Pay-What-You-Can spots.

Access is really important to me. In fact, it’s at the heart of most everything I do and is why so many resources on my site are free. 

It’s why this course is available at Pay-What-You-Can for high school college counselors in schools, CBOs, or non-profits with small budgets and few resources for professional development.

“Wait, so if our counseling department doesn’t have a budget, we can still join?”

Yep. If that’s you, click on the orange buttons below to request a Pay-What-You-Can spot.


Want to help your students write their main personal statement, too?

TAKE Part I of my counselor training program: How to write an outstanding personal statement.

Help them find the right topic, get step-by-step guides to structuring their essay, and get tips on how to bring their essay to life.

On this course I’ll answer things like:

  • What’s the Purpose of the Personal Statement?

  • What are the Four Qualities of an Outstanding Personal Statement?

  • How do I help my student discover their deepest story?

  • How do I use the Montage and Narrative Structures to help my student outline their essay?

Got a Question?


+ How do I access the product I've Purchased?

If you have purchased any of our online video courses or live webinars, you can log in here. Once logged in, you can access all of your products in your library. From there, select what you want to watch!

+ Can I use your materials with my students?

Absolutely! All that we ask is that you leave the logo and website on the materials. You can find more information here

+ What if I hate the course? Can I get a refund?

Sure! If you purchased the course within 30 days and feel it did not help you, you can get a 100% guaranteed, no-questions-asked refund

+ Where are the recordings?

Recordings from previous sessions are inside your CEG account, specifically inside the course modules

+ How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to this course product

+ Is this course live?

Yes, see above to learn more

+ I can't afford this. Are there any discounts available?

Access is really important to all of us at College Essay Guy. It’s at the heart of most everything Ethan does and is why so many resources on the site are free. As this is something we are passionate about, you have the option to submit a pay-what-you-can request on each of our course pages. The form for it is located right above the FAQ section.

+ What if I have another question?

My FAQ page has you covered. Or, if you can't find the answer there, shoot an email to my team: help@collegeessayguy.com.