Write your Personal Insight Questions using our free and low-cost comprehensive online courses, which include UC essay examples, step-by-step guides, and more to help you learn how to craft a University of California application if you're a high school senior or junior.



Get an overview of the newly updated UC application, learn about the 13 points of comprehensive review, find the best way to select your four personal insight questions, and learn two ways to answer all four of them.

Or check out the full course here.


University of california activities list

Guide to Writing Your UC Activities List

Learn how to make the most out of the activities list section of your UC application by highlighting your jobs, side projects, and volunteer trips: the 30 blanks for inputting your information with 500 characters space for describing each activity.

17 UC ESSAY examples (aka personal insight questions)

Here is a collection of some of the best UC essay examples/UC personal insight question examples I’ve seen.

UC Additional Comments Section

UC Application Additional Comments & Academic History Sections

Find out all the do’s and don’ts for what to include in the UC Additional Comments and Academic History sections.