Three comprehensive virtual college essay and application
boot camps for your students

How to Write a Personal Statement

The College Application & Supplemental Essays

The University of California Personal Insight Questions

Recordings will be available for all boot camps.

How it Works:
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Students join me live this summer.
Students can log-in from home or school, or watch the recordings of all the live sessions.


They get inspired to write.
Students receive a series of tools to guide their writing, and complete drafts in between sessions.


They start the fall with great drafts.
The flexible format allows counselors to be as hands-off (or hands-on) as they’d like.

Who is this program for?

College Essay Guy Live was designed for counselors that need a little bit of help and would like to partner with me and have me guide your students through the college essay writing process process.

Counselors and educators within high schools and organizations with medium to large caseloads that join College Essay Guy Live are able to register their students for any or all of the upcoming boot camps.

Note that this program is not open to students to register directly, but only available to students whose counselor has registered for College Essay Guy Live.

2025 Bonus:

The first 100 schools/organizations to sign up by April 1st will get access to a live two-part professional development series with our workshops team
(A $2,500 value.)

  • Session 1: How to Write Effective Letters of Recommendations (90 Minutes)

  • Session 2: Demystifying College Admissions (90 Minutes)

Sessions are led by Tom Campbell (former Asst. Dean of Admissions at Pomona College) from CEG's Workshops Department. Sessions will be in late spring.

We'll help you get the word out
To make CEG Live as impactful and joyful as possible, we’ve created a collection of shareable assets, ready to send out to your students:

Assets Included:

  • Promotional PDF (pictured)

  • Copy and paste email templates

  • Short snippets of text for social media

  • Images/graphics to share with your students

"I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! I recently did a classroom lesson for 12th graders and asked who their favorite college website was. The students said—the College Essay Guy!"

-High School College Counselor

"I am so grateful for your willingness to help students (and counselors!) prepare their students for essays and to address other pertinent questions surrounding the college application process. This will be my 24th year as a Director of College Guidance, and your materials are truly the most user-friendly and practical guides for students I have ever encountered."

-Carla, HS Counselor

Session Schedule & Details
How to Write the Personal Statement
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Option 1: June 2, 4, 6 (MWF)
Option 2: June 16, 18, 20 (MWF)
10:00am-11:30am or 4:00pm-5:30pm PST

Students can join for either of the events above.
Content covered will be the same!

Session 1 | Brainstorming
Session 2 | Outlining & Writing
Session 3 | Revising & Upleveling

In this boot camp, I’ll walk your students step-by-step through how to brainstorm, outline, revise, and draft their personal statements.

Using my Choose Your Own Adventure essay tool, students will leave with everything they need to revise and polish their drafts.

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What’s the Choose Your Own Adventure Essay Tool?

As part of CEG Live, your students get access to our step-by-step tool that helps them discover their personal statement topic, decide on a structure, and revise it as much as they like. 

Inside the tool, I cover things like:

  • What’s the Purpose of the Personal Statement?

  • What are Four Qualities of an Outstanding Personal Statement?

  • Essay Brainstorming Exercises

  • Montage vs. Narrative Structure

  • 7 Types of Montage Essay

  • How to Raise the Stakes and Draw Your Reader In

  • 19 Ways to Make Your Essay More Insightful

  • How to Make Sure Your Personal Statement “Flows”

  • Lots more

How to Write the College Application + Supplemental Essays

Sunday September 21st
12:00pm-2:00pm PST

In this session, I offer a values-based approach to helping students produce not only a stand-out Common Application, activities list, and additional information section, but also tips on answering the supplemental essays that many selective schools require. (Counselors are welcome to join too.)

In this crash course, I’ll cover:

  • How to Create an Inspired Application in Half the Time

  • The Activities List, Additional Info, and "Why Us?" Essay

  • The Extracurricular Essay

  • Specific Supplemental Essays for 40+ Colleges and Universities

  • The Short Answer Questions

  • How to Make Sure a College Application Is Doing Its Job

How to Write the UC Personal Insight Questions

This crash course provides students with a step-by-step guide to understanding the University of California’s Personal Insight Questions and Activities List.

July 14th & 16th (Mon & Weds)
3:00pm-5:00pm PST


I’ll cover:

  • 7 Essential Tips for Applying to the UC Schools

  • What are the 13 elements of a comprehensive review?

  • How to Pick Your 4 UC Personal Insight Question Topics

  • Why You Should Outline Your PIQs Before Writing

  • How to Structure Any PIQ

  • Getting Feedback on Your PIQ Topics

  • Revising a Narrative PIQ (Writing about a Challenge)

  • Revising a Montage PIQ (Not Writing about a Challenge)


Students and counselors can tune in from anywhere.

watch anytime. anywhere.


Your students will receive simple and clear instructions for logging in to the tools and live events from home.

Adaptable curriculum


We’ll provide a suite of resources that can work flexibly with your college counseling process.

Counselor Support


Counselors get access to all the resources, tools, and live sessions so you can follow along.

You know soooo much about the college essay process. It was an easy program to promote and I felt comfortable knowing that an expert was leading the process for my students. It was a win-win!
-Public School College Counselor

"The entire experience was very insightful and gave me the inspiration and motivation to get ahead on my college search and application process."

-Angelina, Student

"You're an amazing teacher, and I can feel the passion you have for us. I really appreciate all the work you've done for us. Thanks to you, I've been able to say what I've wanted to say about my life and show how it has impacted me. That's something that I've struggled to do in the past. So from the bottom of my heart, I just want to say thank you!"

-Miles P, Student

"I followed every step from your videos for the main personal statement essay and my college advisor was wowed by my first draft. I made some small changes and now it's finished. I just wanted to thank you for that."

-Tea, Student

"First of all, this was incredibly beneficial for my writing process. Kudos to you and your team and my school counselor for recommending this. I enjoyed the brainstorming activities a lot, especially the “Essence Objects” and the “I Love” exercises. I have a few essays written now, thanks to those brainstorming sessions. Also, independently of the sessions, I found your list of recommended verbs for the activities list. It was a lifesaver."

-Alex, Student

I love how we went over actual samples to critique so that we could look out for certain things in our own essays! I loved how there was a step by step process to follow that made the whole process achievable. With everything going on, the brainstorming part of the process helped me further appreciate what I have instead of mourning the things I’ve lost. The process has shown me how grateful I am to have so many things worth writing about. That being said, I just wanted to say thank you.

-Andrea, Student

CEG LIVE at a Glance:

how to write the Personal Statement
Boot Camps

Option 1: June 2, 4, 6 (MWF)
Option 2: June 16, 18, 20 (MWF)
10am-11:30am or 4pm-5:30pm PST

College App + Supplemental Essay crash course

Sunday September 21st
12:00pm-2:00pm PST

University of california Personal Insight Questions crash course

July 14th & 16th (Mon & Weds)
3:00pm-5:00pm PST

Student will receive access to my Choose Your Own Adventure Tool, which answers pretty much any college essay questions a student might have. They will also receive resources and guides for supplemental essays and the rest of the application, as well as access to the UC Personal Insight Questions Tool.

Qualifying schools may join College Essay Guy Live at little to no cost.
Learn more below.
College Essay Guy LIVE is always free for students..

At College Essay Guy, we’re committed to providing access to high-quality essay support for any student, anywhere.

After surveying you, our counselor community, we learned that budgets vary widely, so we’ve created options for qualifying organizations to join CEG Live at a reduced cost.

Yep, that’s right. Submit the form below to see if your organization qualifies, and to request a pro-bono spot for CEG Live.



Schools and Organizations

*Early Bird Pricing

regular price: $997 PER YEAR

For: Any school or organization. Your contribution supports our Matchlighters Scholars program.

College Essay Guy Live

Schools and Organizations

*Pay-What-You-Can Spots


For: Qualifying schools that work with students who have high financial need.


Book a Private Workshop
Schedule a Call
with Us

  • Private customizable workshops for your school
  • Led by an inspiring trained facilitator
  • Take place virtually or in person at your school
  • Professional development, student workshops, and consulting options



Ethan Sawyer is a nationally recognized college essay expert and sought-after speaker. Each year he helps thousands of students and counselors through his online courses, workshops, blog posts, and books, and works privately with a small number of students. A graduate of Northwestern University, Ethan holds an MFA from UC Irvine, two counseling certificates, is certified in Myers-Briggs and hypnotherapy. He lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife, Veronica, and their amazing daughter, Zola.

Learn more about Ethan »


Frequently Asked Questions

+When will College Essay Guy LIVE 2025 Registration Start?

2025 Registration will be live on Thursday, February 27th,

+What are the dates for College Essay Guy LIVE 2025's live sessions?

How to Write the Personal Statement:

  • Boot Camp 1: June 2, 4, 6 @ 10-11:30am PT & 4-5:30pm PT
  • Boot Camp 2: June 16, 18, 20 @ 10-11:30am PT & 4-5:30pm PT

The UC Personal Insight Questions

  • July 14 & 16 @ 3-5pm PT

The College Application & Supplemental Essays

  • September 21 @ 12-2pm PT

+Who is eligible to register for College Essay Guy LIVE?

This program is designed for high school college counselors who work within a school setting, as well as non-profit organizations and CBOs that support students through the college application process.

+Once resgistration is live, how do I sign up? How do I register my students?

It’s pretty simple.

Once you’ve registered your school or organization at the Register links above, you’ll receive a welcome email as well as resources and instructions for next steps. Student registration information will be sent out by the end of March 2025.

In general, we offer two ways to register your students:

  • Option 1: You can send your students a specific link and they can register themselves.

  • Option 2: You can work with us to register all of your students in bulk with a simple spreadsheet.

+Can I register my students for only one or some of the offerings listed above?

You can register your students for one of two personal statement boot camp options. You can also register students for the College Application + Supplemental Essays crash course and the UC Personal Insight Questons crash course.

+Can I make payment by paper check/wire transfer/some other method? Can I get a purchase order/invoice for approval from my school?

Yes and yes. We’ve got you covered. Just email with the subject “College Essay Guy LIVE” and share a bit more and we’ll follow up with next steps.

+We have three counselors at our school. Should each of us sign up for College Essay Guy Live separately?

Only one counselor needs to sign up per school/organization. You’re more than welcome to add multiple counselors or teachers to the registration list when you begin that process.

Or, as noted above, you can register yourselves through the self-registration link shared in your welcome email so that you can be notified via email of the program events and receive links to the live sessions.

+Is my student’s contact information safe? Will students receive marketing emails for other services?

Student privacy is very important to us. We will never share student emails or information or send them any marketing emails. All communication will be related exclusively to how to receive access to the free live workshop sessions and the tools and resources in this program.

+I’m a current student/parent of a student. Can I register my child for the program?

At this time, this program is only open to students whose counselor from their school/organization has registered their student.

If you’d like to have your school register, please feel free to share this program with your high school college counselor to see if they’d like to join the program.

If your school is not joining this program, we also offer a suite of live and recorded student courses that guide students through the college application process. (Keep an eye on our email newsletter for more about our live summer Boot Camps.)

+Is there a limit to how many students I can register?

This program is open to your entire class of rising seniors.

+Will there be recordings?

You bet! We record each live session and send a follow-up email to everyone who is registered with a copy of the recording. Recordings are typically uploaded inside the CEG LIVE counselor and student dashboards within 24-48 hours.

+What is the deadline to register my students by?

We recommend that you sign up and let your students know as far in advance as possible of the live workshops so that you and your students can plan to mark the live workshop dates in the calendars. We recommend giving your students at least 4-6 weeks notice. The more time they have to plan, the more likely they’ll be to take advantage of the resources offered. We’ll close registration two weeks before the live event. At the very latest, aim to have your students registered a week before each live session begins.

+When will you send out emails to the students?

We’ll send out a “welcome” email to students once they’ve been registered.

After that, we’ll send them a few reminder emails in the weeks leading up to the boot camps that you’ve signed them up for.

+I received an email from my child’s school counselor about this essay boot camp. How do I register my child?

Your student’s school counselor will need to register their school, and they will likely have emailed you/your student directly with instructions on how to sign up. Keep an eye out for more instructions by email, or reach out to your counselor for more information.

+How long do my students have access to the materials?

Your students will have access to the video lessons, workshop recordings, and Choose Your Own Adventure revising tool through the end of the admissions cycle.

+What resources can I share with my students?

Our resources are always free to share with your students. But if you’d like to use our content in your curricula, please learn how to attribute materials to College Essay Guy at this link here.

+I’ve got another question that isn’t on here!

Check out our FAQ page, or email us at if your question isn’t answered there and we will get back to you ASAP.